48 comments on “Dark Poetry: Suicide

    • Thank you Mariam.
      Yes, too many of us know how it is to lose someone by suicide.
      That’s why we have to raise as much awareness as we possibly can.
      Lots of love

  1. OMG, Patty! You had my heart physically aching for anyone thinking such thoughts. It’s not often that I feel something physical like that…it is really scary… Damn! How do you do it? Absolutely amazing! I’ve been close to temptation like this, maybe that’s why it feels so real to me…love you Patty (don’t do that again!) 😀

    • Sorry Kev!
      But I would like to make people aware. It happens to much and my heart breaks for all those who don’t see a way out anymore.
      I have had suicidal thoughts myself, although I was never suicidal. There is a difference. Always have to remember that there are people who care.
      Love you too my friend ❤

      • Yes there is a huge difference. One is a fantasy…although a dark one, the other, well…that’s something else…glad I haven’t got that far, hope I never do.
        You’re absolutely right, Patty…about others. Loved the poem also, though…so glad you shared. 🙂 Hugs to you, my dear.

  2. How deep and how true… Thank you for sharing your beautiful voice on this dark subject. It is awesome you included the Hot Line Number! There is always a number of options it is awesome you shared some of the positive ones. 🙂

    • Thank you Joe.
      Yes, people have to be aware so we can prevent suicide as much as we can. There are always options.
      Lots of love to you my friend. ❤

  3. It seems so easy but is it? its not even painless. So true ; ‘what for those you’ll leave behind’. Very well written.

  4. Pingback: Dark Poetry: Suicide | Ta hendene til din kjære – se på dem og hold dem hardt Disse hendene skal du følge, leie og lede. Du skal få føle på varmen fra dem og kjenne en inderlig glede. De skal stryke deg og de skal holde rundt deg – de er ikke sk

      • Jeg er så enig med deg! Er utrolig mange som har det vondt. Du er virkelig vakker😄 masse kjærlighet og gode klemmer til deg❤️

      • ❤️Ja det er sant❤️ Støtte hverandre, lytte og vise oppriktig at vi bryr oss. 😄

  5. WOW…I hope you don’t mean this…
    Patty, hon, your writing ability comes from a place few have.
    Deep down in a place we don’t know where.

  6. Pingback: Dark Poetry: Suicide | Human Relationships

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