69 comments on “Battling an invisible Monster…

  1. Pingback: Throwback Thursday: Dedicated Poetry | petitemagique

  2. Pingback: Nothing’s Wrong, I Am Fine | georgeforfun

  3. Try applying for disability if you have these conditions. It’s next to impossible, because we might seem OK 1 or 2 days out of seven. And the rest of the time simple tasks seem insurmountable.

  4. Pingback: Battling an invisible Monster… | MadeleineMaya

  5. Hi there Patty, a wonderful post expressed with a depth of knowledge, experience and compassion which will help and comfort people who feel vulnerable and alone with such things.
    Thinking of you my dear friend and sending love and hugs, James x

  6. Patty I hope you don’t mind that I reblogged this. You work is fascinating and I so identified with this post. There’s a blogger that loved it so much and has mentioned it several times. I told him about your blog and he’ll be visiting I’m sure a lot. I love your writing it’s all so wonderful. I wanted you to know I admire your bravery, you never shy away from anything and I think that is wonderful. Oh his name is Q. I’m sure he’ll be around. Have an awesome day.
    Also i wanted to mention that I’ve been so busy with work that I haven’t been able to work on awards much less keep up with my blog as much so I posted something about no awards but I didn’t want to offend anyone. One person didn’t like it and I never in anyway want to offend anyone them thinking I’m not appreciative of the awards. I wanted to say something because you have so graciously sent me awards and it matters to me what you think and that you know my reason for posting that. I never felt worthy of any accolades for blogging I blog because my heart was broken and my kid is sick and I needed an outlet. Thank you for always being so kind and thoughtful. Michelle

    • Hey Michelle!
      Of course you are always welcome to reblog anything I write! I am honored.
      I met Q, he has been checking out my blog and I will sure check out his as well. It’s always great to meet new friends! 🙂
      Of course you don’t offend anyone! Awards take up a lot of time, I know! Lol.
      Just know that you are always free to accept or not accept any award that I give you. It’s just a way of showing my appreciation for you because I think your art is beautiful and you are such a lovely person! And I know how blogging can be a great outlet. That’s the reason I started blogging as well.
      Lots of love and hugz ❤

      • Oh good. I didn’t want you to be offended. I know you are such a sweet sweet giver and I love it. You are right I seem to be shorter on time these days. 🙂 I love all you post! 🙂

      • Thank you Michelle! 🙂
        Yes, my days are very busy right now. A lot has come on my path.
        Luckily, I will soon have some more free time again. 🙂
        Lots of love and hugz to you my dear friend! ❤

  7. Great post! I recently was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. No surprise since I lived a very difficult life. I believe it is a symptom of PTSD. I kept my secret of emotional abuse for so many years along with caring for my son. No surprise I “over flowed my cup” so to speak.

  8. What an important and well written piece. I am truly sorry for your struggles. (For lack of a more appropriate term). Should you ever need a friendly ear to listen, I am here for you. Stay strong, and always do what’s best for YOU Patty. Keep Inspiring


  9. Wow..a read well werth it , werth comprehending foir me a lot of the info here ,,I have to Deal with PKD in my life, so is very very relevant for mikey here thank you, read werth reading over again. 🙂 Q

  10. Pingback: Battling an invisible Monster… | Finding Me

  11. I really enjoyed this post. The words of what could be said to one with an invisible illness is great. I so wish others would say these things to me once in a while. I also deal with others, in our little apartment community, who judge me all the time. They don’t know what is going on with me and I get feedback of gossip which is not nice. It finally settles down when residents who do know me set them straight, or my mum says something to them. I get looks all the time because I look younger than the seniors I am living around and riding the special bus with. Then I don’t always walk with a cane and I am not in a wheelchair…yet, so I get looks like, ‘what the hell is wrong with her?’ I don’t judge them on their talk, looks, and sometimes smells; I see no reason why they should even worry about me. I even find I often just stay out of the way and activities as to not take up what they feel entitled to. I used to feel self conscious about this, now I simply don’t care: I do what I have to and to hell with the rest of them.
    I will be re-posting this for all the others who read my blog who deal with this monster as well.

    Peace & Love

    • Thank you my dear friend!
      Yes, this monster is a tough one as you know. ❤
      Really sucks that some people still don't understand. I know it's hard to understand something if you're not have to live with it yourself, but it seems to me that some are not even trying!
      Stay strong my beautiful friend!
      Lots of love and hugz

  12. this truly is a wonderful post – so much information. i am so sorry that you felt the need to write it, but thankful because it does need to be written – this information needs to get ‘out there’

  13. I love this Patty! I have type 1 diabetes, thyroid disease and a rare blood disease. But I look normal. So does my daughter. I know what you mean about the things people say. I love this post. It’s hitting on all points all of them excellent! 🙂 You are awesome! 🙂

  14. Patty, Your piece on “Battling an invisible Monster” will serve so many others, those who suffer & those who have a family member of friend suffering. Plus, it must feel good to get all this out there personally, perhaps, in more depth & thoroughly than you have ever done before. What struck me the greatest & I can ID with are: 1) that these “invisible disabilities” prevent the person from participating in the basic activities of life; 2) that others have difficulty seeing it & accepting it; & 3) that the person has to fight the doctors re tests, diagnosis, & meds. And your advice to us all how to just be there for support & 5 ways to encourage a person with the right words are INVALUABLE advice. Thanks, Patty. You are so productive & energetic, you needed to convince the world of your invisible monsters! How’s that for encouragement? Phil

    • Thank you Phil! 🙂
      Your comments always lighten up my day!
      As you can see, I took your advise on writing about this, it was a bit hard though. You know that I have a problem with letting people see inside me.
      But it can also help others and if that’s the case then I don’t mind that much.
      Thank you again for your lovely encouragement!
      Lots of love and hugz ❤

  15. I can partially understand as my DaughtersInLaws suffer from Crohn’s, and numerous allergies, but to see their modeling pics, Identical Ginger Twins, you’d never know. But spending a lot of time with them during their pregnancies taught me more than I had known. It’s a daily struggle, but they wanted to be Moms so bad, they made sacrifices and still do. I am amazed at the strength of you women and how you do so much, often without any drama, just suffering and continually going forward. I’ve known Marines that weren’t as tough as you women. Thanks for sharing all this info for the uninformed and ignorant. Maybe it will help others to show compassion and respect and understanding. So right, you can’t judge anyone soley from outward appearances, you must know the life others live through their days, hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds. TY Patty

    • Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words my dear friend. They mean the world and make me feel strong.
      Both your daughters in law have Crohns? I am so sorry. It’s a tough battle for sure!
      And thank you for the reblog again, the more people know, the better!
      Lots of love and hugz ❤

  16. Thank you for bringing up this important post Patty. We are many, who suffer with one or more of those invisible illnesses.
    I found out, that personal development is the best, I can do to go on and find my path in this life.
    Many places in our world it is still not anything to talk about, so you need to hide your battles, caused peoples minding.

    • Thank you Irene.
      Yes, it’s very strange that some people still can’t understand this.
      And you are right, personal development is very important, I am learning that as well!
      Lots of love and hugz

  17. Thank you Patty. I myself came down with a chronic fatigue a few decades ago. By now it is “managed” and often I forget that it is still in me. Its good to share with others especially in the beginning – many of the disorders that are mentioned in your post are the focus of support groups that meet in our local communities and on the Internet.
    Second, for me, faith is an area of development that was greatly helpful for me. I still attend meetings and blog about it. One may attend church; but there are hidden supports both there and in the community and on the Internet where amazing inner healing knowledge is readily available to just about anyone.
    We ought never surrender to what prohibits our spiritual growth.
    ~ Eric

    • Thank you Eric!
      Yes, communication is very important. It can make a great difference while battling a monster like this.
      I have the ability to ‘forget’ about my conditions as well sometimes. Until they hit me in the face again lol.
      But I think it’s best to just do the things you want and deal with the consequences later. Works for me at least.
      Lots of love

  18. Fantastic Post, Patty !! So many people suffer invisibly (and visibly because they are in some manner discriminated against because of their invisibility) Powerful post!

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