71 comments on “Dark Poem: Wake up!


    • I wrote this poem to describe the horror you feel when something terrible happens and all you want to do is wake up from the nightmare that your life has suddenly became.
      Lots of love,

  2. This reminds me of a dream I once had of my first husband. I was afraid to sleep with him for three days. Good job of bringing out the fear.

  3. Reminds me of a dream I once had of my first husband. Scared hell out of me and I couldn’t sleep in the room with him for three days afterwards. Good poem. {shiver}

  4. Those eyes are scary!! The poem sounds like a severe panic attack on steroids! I hope that this is just you writing…not something you are experiencing. Please let me know you are alright, Patty! ♥

    • Lol! Those are my eyes Kira! 🙂
      Yes, this is one of my panic attacks actually. I had one yesterday. Just love it when I wake up from a nightmare to slip into a panic attack afterwards. 😦
      But don’t worry! I am fine now! Just something I have to go through every now and then. I am used to it.

      • I always like how you combine your pics with your poems.

        Ugh…I hate hate panic attacks! They can be scary as all get out! And you did a great job of describing one btw!

        I’m glad you are doing better now. And I’m glad that you write the after effects out of you with your pen as your sword!

      • Thank you Kira! 🙂
        Yes, they are pretty scary. I think I prefer the nightmares actually, if that makes any sense?
        And of course, we will go to battle armed with our pen and our thoughts! (and a few of those unicorns!) 🙂

      • That does actually make perfect sense. It probably helps that I’ve had both. Loving the unicorns!

      • I don’t sleep much because my brain won’t shut up!! Lol and yes we will beat them!! I’ve already come a very long way with both…so that’s good 🙂

      • Lol…no wonder I liked you right away!!! It’s why I write so much. It’s better to get it out on paper then stuck in brain! 🙂

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