14 comments on “Poetry Repost: Enjoy!

  1. Wow, Dear Patty! It couldn’t be described better 🙂
    To be happy and to enjoy is up to our minds! And it is now!!! Every moment we have 🙂
    Great Great Great !!!
    Hugs and Kisses
    Yelloz and Servant Z

  2. Patty, You know by now I would love such a Poetry Repost as “Enjoy”!!! I should go back & read ALL you have done! I knew there was this light hearted Patty there that needs more “air time”/on screen exposure. A CRAZY lifelong friend of mine always said, “LIVE LIFE!” Phil

    • The light hearted Patty is always there my friend. 😉
      She just has black wings! 🙂
      I am always making the most of each moment, living for the smiles and love. But I do know the dark as well. I have figured out that as I embrace those dark parts of me, it’s much easier to stay in the light the rest of the time! 🙂
      Hugz ♥

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