19 comments on “National Mourning Day.

  1. Patty, And may God bless the Dutch people for having the courage to lead the world by going into the war zone to bring back your loved ones & the loved ones of people of other countries. Phil

  2. Reblogged this on georgeforfun and commented:
    Amen. So well said, Patty.
    Mijn hart gaat uit naar degenen die verloren hun vrienden, familie en degenen die ze hield in deze tragische, zinloze daad van geweld en kwaad. Woorden uitdrukken niet volledig voor het verdriet dat de levende zal verduren vanwege deze aanval op burgers door meedogenloze mensen. God kan zegene de zielen van de onschuldige slachtoffers en Justitie brengen aan degenen die anderen zou moord zonder een gedachte van de gevolgen.

    My heart goes out to those who lost their friends, family, and ones they loved in this tragic, senseless act of violence and evil. Words cannot fully express the grief the living will endure because of this attack on civilians by ruthless individuals. May God bless the souls of the innocent victims and bring justice to those who would murder others without one thought of the consequences.
    Pray for peace and love, not more wars.

      • I pray cooler and smarter minds will soon prevail to stop senseless violence. Sad that families must wait for verification of many and recovery of others(((( When hatred comes before compassion, I question the definition of “civilized society.”

  3. Unfortunately it will.. Until the asleep souls of the world awaken. 100 AIDS researchers were on that plane heading to a conference in Australia…

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